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English version (extract)
N.Lichtig, Ziziphus zizyphus (As far back as I will remember...) / Ziziphus zizyphus (Soweit ich mich zurückerinnern kann...)— sound piece, 37'37, paper work,variable sizes, 2021—
Ziziphus zizyphus is a monologue formulated from the point of view of the Ziziphus zizyphus plant. Written in the future tense, the plant speaks about its nomenclatural history, its geographic and cultural expansion as well as its chemical power. Progressively it also describes a future where a sixth mass extinction has taken place and where the Ziziphus zizyphus becomes a “superspecies” colonizing the planet earth.
in 2022:
12.06.2022 11:00 – 07.08.2022
Reflecting Nature, Part I
Kunsthalle Erfurt (G)
in 2021:
Ich bin Natur. Von der Verletzlichkeit. Überleben in der Risikogesellschaft. / I am Nature. On Vulnerability. Survival in the Risk Society
ROHKUNSTBAU, Schloß Lieberose, Brandenburg (G),
curated by Heike Fuhlbrügge
in 2020:
edited in Post-Specimen — Encounters Between Art, Science and Curating, Intellect Books, Bristol (GB)
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